
On The Water With North U

Onboard Coaching
You can spend a lifetime learning to be a better sailor. We are here to accelerate the process. With North U. Onboard Coaching, you learn the skills you need to achieve your sailing goals.

Performance Race Weeks
Our 18th annual Offshore Sailing / North U Performance Race Week is scheduled for April 22-29, 2018. Performance Race Weeks are a combined effort of North U and the Offshore Sailing School. Hosted at the Offshore Sailing School’s South Seas Island Resort on Captiva Island, Florida, Race Week combines 6 days of on the water training and racing with shore side instruction and video review. Great learning and great fun. Get complete info at www.offshore-sailing.com.

Match Racing
Your club or fleet can host a North U Match Racing Clinic. Our new match racing curriculum, developed in conjunction with WIMRA (Women’s International Match Racing Association) introduces racers to the adrenalin rush of match racing. Find out more on our Match Racing page.

The North U instructors are here for you whether in a seminar setting or aboard your boat. We train you and your crew in every facet of racing trim, tactics and boat handling. We answer your questions, focus on you, and help you to become a team. Find out more about the North U Instructors on our Instructors page.

North U offers fleet and club clinics for fleets from two to fifty boats. Let us put together a program to improve the racing from the bottom to the top of your fleet. Contact Bill.Gladstone@NorthSails.com for more info.


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