Expedition Users Hands-On Seminar
Saturday, February 15, 2020. A full day, hands on seminar taught by 2 time America’s Cup winning navigator Peter Isler.
Presented by North U, North Sails, and Isler Sailing International
North Sails Detroit
24777 Forterra Dr
Warren MI 48089
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Check in: 8:30 am Class: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Over the past few years, Peter Isler & NorthU have teamed up to produce a series of highly acclaimed webinars on the use of Expedition Software to win races… the courses (available now for streaming) range from general overview to specific advanced topics.
Expedition Hands-On Training
Geared toward experienced and aspiring Expedition users, Peter Isler will lead a full day program to bring your Expedition skills to the next level. Expedition Hands-On Training is a live in-person seminar teaching participants how to employ Expedition Navigation and Racing software to win races – including the Bayview Mac, Chicago Mac, Buoy Races, Bermuda Race, Caribbean 600, any race! Veteran navigator Peter Isler will be exploring how to get the most out of Expedition’s tools in the context of racing in the Great Lakes and beyond. We will be exploring everything from pre-race preparation, route optimization, coastal piloting, strategy, weather data and analysis, local knowledge, starting, optimizing performance underway and much more.
The course is aimed at the tactical team – skipper, navigator and tactician who are directly involved in the use (or want to use) of Expedition software on their boat. At least one member of the boats’ team should be well versed in the use of Expedition. Completion of NorthU’s Online Expedition 101 Webinar would be the target skill level.
There will be break out sessions and in-course quizzes as well as plenty of opportunity for one on one time with Peter to help with your specific questions. The program will also include demos by Peter (Bayview Mac Routing, Buoy Racing Starts, Log File Analysis and others…)
Bring Your Laptop
Bring your laptop with Expedition loaded. (You can have Expedition loaded on more than one computer. You’ll need a license key – we can help.) You should have your boat’s polars and sail chart loaded. We will also be sending you files to load for some of the group exercises.
This is a Hands-On class. You won’t be sitting back watching the instructors demo the process. You will be doing it. Get ready to race. Enrollment is limited to assure close personal attention.
One Day Only: Saturday, February 15.
Topics include
– Expedition overview – some of Exp’s most valuable tools
– Polars – where to start, how to manage and update
– Connecting to your instruments – Data in/data out, AIS, GPS etc
– Using Expedition on deck, tablets and displays
– Strip Chart – Expedition’s invaluable partner program
– Loading & managing charts into Expedition
– Sail Charts – how to start, how to manage, use and update
– Navigating with Expedition: Course setting and mark management
– Navigation with Expedition: predictor lines, chart optimization
– Pre Race Expedition check list
– Coastal Racing with Expedition: optimizing VMC
– Weather with Expedition
– GRIB files 101: downloading, managing and analysis
– Pre-Race Routing and Planning
– In-Race GRIB updates (rules and methods)
– In-Race Routing
– Buoy Racing with Expedition
– Starting with Expedition
– Expedition Log files – setting up, managing and use
– Polar update
– Instrument tuning
– In-Race GRIB updates (rules and methods)
– Post race analysis
Registration Fee is $299/ first person and $249/ each add’l person from the same crew. Space is limited.
North U Risk Free Registration: Full Refund if you cancel.
Youth Sailor Scholarship Opportunity:
Applications are being accepted from sailors under 25 years of age for a limited number of scholarships to this event.
To apply for the scholarship (Cost reduced to $50), you must be under the age of 25. Send your sailing resume and a single paragraph on why you should be selected to The deadline for applications is January 31.