Use this page for the purchase of Expedition Software ONLY if you have previously purchased the Expedition 101 Webinar.
The full price of Expedition Software is US$1295. North U offers a special package that includes the Expedition 101 Webinar ($199) with the software purchase.
If you have not done so already, download and install Expedition.
We will need the Site Code from your Expedition Installation to generate a software license.
1. Download and install* Expedition from
* Download the regular (NOT 4D) version. Only install 4D if you are using C-Map 4D charting.
2. When you open Expedition for the first time the program will generate an 8 character Site Code which is unique to your computer.
3. We need that Site Code in order to generate a license. The license is unique to each computer.
You can provide the site code in the comments when you place your order or by email to: Subject: “Expedition Site Code” please.
4. We submit your site code and reply with your license key. That process typically takes 1-2 days.
Peter Isler is a key ingredient of the North U Expedition Webinar Series. An outstanding racer, and world-class navigator, Peter is also a gifted instructor. There is no better way to learn Expedition.